

  1. 什么是批量归一化?
  2. 批量归一化的好处是什么?
  3. 在网络中我们如何进行归一化?
  4. 看看效果如何吧!
  5. 内部实现


批量归一化首次出现在 Sergey Ioffe’s 和 Christian Szegedy’s 2015年论文中 Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift. 其思想是不仅仅是对输入层进行归一化,而是对网络中的每一层输入都进行归一化操作。 叫做批量归一化的原因是:我们使用当前mini-batch的值的均值与偏差对每一层的输入都进行归一化。


除了直观的原因之外,还有很好的数学原因可以帮助网络更好地学习。在这篇论文中有详细的解释,在深度学习 的第八章也有解释Chapter 8: Optimization for Training Deep Models.



  1. 网络训练的更快 – 由于在训练期间的前向传播和方向传播需要处理更多的参数,实际上每次的迭代会慢一点;但是,它收敛会更加快速,所以总体上,网络的训练更快。
  2. 允许更高的学习率 – 梯度下降通常需要更小的学习率用于网络的训练。 随着网络的加深它需要更多的迭代次数。 使用批量归一化允许我们使用更高的学习速率,这进一步提高了网络训练的速度。
  3. 让权重更容易初始化 – 权重的初始化时困难的,特别是深层的网络。批量归一化让我在初始化权重时不需要那么小心。
  4. 让更多的激活函数具有可行性 – 有一些激活函数在某些情况下表现的不好。 Sigmoid函数会很快失去梯度,那么意味着它不能用在深层的网络。ReLUs函数经常在训练中死去(某些神经元变为了0),在那里他们完全停止学习,所以我们需要小心处理输入到节点值的范围.因为批量归一化调整了进入每个激活函数的值,所以在深层网络中那些似乎不能很好工作的非线性函数将再次变得可行。
  5. 简化深层网络的创建 – 因为批量归一化让更多的函数具有可行性,那么构建更加快速和深层的网络将会变得更加容易。
  6. 提供了一些正则化 – 批量归一化给网络增加了一些噪声,在某些情况下,它表现的和Dropout一样好。
  7. 总体或许会得到更好的结果 – 因为批量归一化可以让网络训练的更快,构建更深的网络,所以总体来说也会得到更好的结果。



# Import necessary packages
import tensorflow as tf
import tqdm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# Import MNIST data so we have something for our experiments
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True)
Extracting MNIST_data/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Extracting MNIST_data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Extracting MNIST_data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Extracting MNIST_data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz






class NeuralNet:
    def __init__(self, initial_weights, activation_fn, use_batch_norm):
        Initializes this object, creating a TensorFlow graph using the given parameters.
        :param initial_weights: list of NumPy arrays or Tensors
            Initial values for the weights for every layer in the network. We pass these in
            so we can create multiple networks with the same starting weights to eliminate
            training differences caused by random initialization differences.
            The number of items in the list defines the number of layers in the network,
            and the shapes of the items in the list define the number of nodes in each layer.
            e.g. Passing in 3 matrices of shape (784, 256), (256, 100), and (100, 10) would 
            create a network with 784 inputs going into a hidden layer with 256 nodes,
            followed by a hidden layer with 100 nodes, followed by an output layer with 10 nodes.
        :param activation_fn: Callable
            The function used for the output of each hidden layer. The network will use the same
            activation function on every hidden layer and no activate function on the output layer.
            e.g. Pass tf.nn.relu to use ReLU activations on your hidden layers.
        :param use_batch_norm: bool
            Pass True to create a network that uses batch normalization; False otherwise
            Note: this network will not use batch normalization on layers that do not have an
            activation function.
        # Keep track of whether or not this network uses batch normalization.
        self.use_batch_norm = use_batch_norm
        self.name = "With Batch Norm" if use_batch_norm else "Without Batch Norm"

        # Batch normalization needs to do different calculations during training and inference,
        # so we use this placeholder to tell the graph which behavior to use.
        self.is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name="is_training")

        # This list is just for keeping track of data we want to plot later.
        # It doesn't actually have anything to do with neural nets or batch normalization.
        self.training_accuracies = []

        # Create the network graph, but it will not actually have any real values until after you
        # call train or test
        self.build_network(initial_weights, activation_fn)
    def build_network(self, initial_weights, activation_fn):
        Build the graph. The graph still needs to be trained via the `train` method.
        :param initial_weights: list of NumPy arrays or Tensors
            See __init__ for description. 
        :param activation_fn: Callable
            See __init__ for description. 
        self.input_layer = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, initial_weights[0].shape[0]])
        layer_in = self.input_layer
        for weights in initial_weights[:-1]:
            layer_in = self.fully_connected(layer_in, weights, activation_fn)    
        self.output_layer = self.fully_connected(layer_in, initial_weights[-1])
    def fully_connected(self, layer_in, initial_weights, activation_fn=None):
        Creates a standard, fully connected layer. Its number of inputs and outputs will be
        defined by the shape of `initial_weights`, and its starting weight values will be
        taken directly from that same parameter. If `self.use_batch_norm` is True, this
        layer will include batch normalization, otherwise it will not. 
        :param layer_in: Tensor
            The Tensor that feeds into this layer. It's either the input to the network or the output
            of a previous layer.
        :param initial_weights: NumPy array or Tensor
            Initial values for this layer's weights. The shape defines the number of nodes in the layer.
            e.g. Passing in 3 matrix of shape (784, 256) would create a layer with 784 inputs and 256 
        :param activation_fn: Callable or None (default None)
            The non-linearity used for the output of the layer. If None, this layer will not include 
            batch normalization, regardless of the value of `self.use_batch_norm`. 
            e.g. Pass tf.nn.relu to use ReLU activations on your hidden layers.
        # Since this class supports both options, only use batch normalization when
        # requested. However, do not use it on the final layer, which we identify
        # by its lack of an activation function.
        if self.use_batch_norm and activation_fn:
            # Batch normalization uses weights as usual, but does NOT add a bias term. This is because 
            # its calculations include gamma and beta variables that make the bias term unnecessary.
            # (See later in the notebook for more details.)
            weights = tf.Variable(initial_weights)
            linear_output = tf.matmul(layer_in, weights)

            # Apply batch normalization to the linear combination of the inputs and weights
            batch_normalized_output = tf.layers.batch_normalization(linear_output, training=self.is_training)

            # Now apply the activation function, *after* the normalization.
            return activation_fn(batch_normalized_output)
            # When not using batch normalization, create a standard layer that multiplies
            # the inputs and weights, adds a bias, and optionally passes the result 
            # through an activation function.  
            weights = tf.Variable(initial_weights)
            biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([initial_weights.shape[-1]]))
            linear_output = tf.add(tf.matmul(layer_in, weights), biases)
            return linear_output if not activation_fn else activation_fn(linear_output)

    def train(self, session, learning_rate, training_batches, batches_per_sample, save_model_as=None):
        Trains the model on the MNIST training dataset.
        :param session: Session
            Used to run training graph operations.
        :param learning_rate: float
            Learning rate used during gradient descent.
        :param training_batches: int
            Number of batches to train.
        :param batches_per_sample: int
            How many batches to train before sampling the validation accuracy.
        :param save_model_as: string or None (default None)
            Name to use if you want to save the trained model.
        # This placeholder will store the target labels for each mini batch
        labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])

        # Define loss and optimizer
        cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=labels, logits=self.output_layer))
        # Define operations for testing
        correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.output_layer, 1), tf.argmax(labels, 1))
        accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))

        if self.use_batch_norm:
            # If we don't include the update ops as dependencies on the train step, the 
            # tf.layers.batch_normalization layers won't update their population statistics,
            # which will cause the model to fail at inference time
            with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)):
                train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cross_entropy)
            train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cross_entropy)
        # Train for the appropriate number of batches. (tqdm is only for a nice timing display)
        for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(training_batches)):
            # We use batches of 60 just because the original paper did. You can use any size batch you like.
            batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(60)
            session.run(train_step, feed_dict={self.input_layer: batch_xs, 
                                               labels: batch_ys, 
                                               self.is_training: True})
            # Periodically test accuracy against the 5k validation images and store it for plotting later.
            if i % batches_per_sample == 0:
                test_accuracy = session.run(accuracy, feed_dict={self.input_layer: mnist.validation.images,
                                                                 labels: mnist.validation.labels,
                                                                 self.is_training: False})

        # After training, report accuracy against test data
        test_accuracy = session.run(accuracy, feed_dict={self.input_layer: mnist.validation.images,
                                                         labels: mnist.validation.labels,
                                                         self.is_training: False})
        print('{}: After training, final accuracy on validation set = {}'.format(self.name, test_accuracy))

        # If you want to use this model later for inference instead of having to retrain it,
        # just construct it with the same parameters and then pass this file to the 'test' function
        if save_model_as:
            tf.train.Saver().save(session, save_model_as)

    def test(self, session, test_training_accuracy=False, include_individual_predictions=False, restore_from=None):
        Trains a trained model on the MNIST testing dataset.

        :param session: Session
            Used to run the testing graph operations.
        :param test_training_accuracy: bool (default False)
            If True, perform inference with batch normalization using batch mean and variance;
            if False, perform inference with batch normalization using estimated population mean and variance.
            Note: in real life, *always* perform inference using the population mean and variance.
                  This parameter exists just to support demonstrating what happens if you don't.
        :param include_individual_predictions: bool (default True)
            This function always performs an accuracy test against the entire test set. But if this parameter
            is True, it performs an extra test, doing 200 predictions one at a time, and displays the results
            and accuracy.
        :param restore_from: string or None (default None)
            Name of a saved model if you want to test with previously saved weights.
        # This placeholder will store the true labels for each mini batch
        labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])

        # Define operations for testing
        correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(self.output_layer, 1), tf.argmax(labels, 1))
        accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))

        # If provided, restore from a previously saved model
        if restore_from:
            tf.train.Saver().restore(session, restore_from)

        # Test against all of the MNIST test data
        test_accuracy = session.run(accuracy, feed_dict={self.input_layer: mnist.test.images,
                                                         labels: mnist.test.labels,
                                                         self.is_training: test_training_accuracy})
        print('{}: Accuracy on full test set = {}'.format(self.name, test_accuracy))

        # If requested, perform tests predicting individual values rather than batches
        if include_individual_predictions:
            predictions = []
            correct = 0

            # Do 200 predictions, 1 at a time
            for i in range(200):
                # This is a normal prediction using an individual test case. However, notice
                # we pass `test_training_accuracy` to `feed_dict` as the value for `self.is_training`.
                # Remember that will tell it whether it should use the batch mean & variance or
                # the population estimates that were calucated while training the model.
                pred, corr = session.run([tf.arg_max(self.output_layer,1), accuracy],
                                         feed_dict={self.input_layer: [mnist.test.images[i]],
                                                    labels: [mnist.test.labels[i]],
                                                    self.is_training: test_training_accuracy})
                correct += corr


            print("200 Predictions:", predictions)
            print("Accuracy on 200 samples:", correct/200)


fully_connected 函数中我们添加了批量归一化函数。有几点我们需要注意:

  1. 批量归一化层并不包括偏差项
  2. 我们使用TensorFlow’s tf.layers.batch_normalization 函数来处理其中的数学计算。 (稍后我们也会实现低版本的批量归一化 later in the notebook.)
  3. 我们需要让 tf.layers.batch_normalization 函数知道我们是否处于训练阶段。
  4. 在激活函数之前我们进行的批量归一化操作


with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)):



session.run(train_step, feed_dict={self.input_layer: batch_xs, 
                                               labels: batch_ys, 
                                               self.is_training: True})



参考博文: Implementing Batch Normalization in TensorFlow.


第一个函数 plot_training_accuracies, 用于绘制传入到NeuralNet类中的training_accuracies的值。 第二个函数 train_and_test,创建了两个神经网络,一个使用批量归一化,一个不使用。 一个用于训练,一个用于测试,它会调用plot_training_accuracies函数绘制在训练过程中准确度的变化。更重要的是,使用的是相同的初始化权重,消除了不同权重所造成的性能影响。

def plot_training_accuracies(*args, **kwargs):
    Displays a plot of the accuracies calculated during training to demonstrate
    how many iterations it took for the model(s) to converge.
    :param args: One or more NeuralNet objects
        You can supply any number of NeuralNet objects as unnamed arguments 
        and this will display their training accuracies. Be sure to call `train` 
        the NeuralNets before calling this function.
    :param kwargs: 
        You can supply any named parameters here, but `batches_per_sample` is the only
        one we look for. It should match the `batches_per_sample` value you passed
        to the `train` function.
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    batches_per_sample = kwargs['batches_per_sample']
    for nn in args:
                nn.training_accuracies, label=nn.name)
    ax.set_xlabel('Training steps')
    ax.set_title('Validation Accuracy During Training')
    plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1))

def train_and_test(use_bad_weights, learning_rate, activation_fn, training_batches=50000, batches_per_sample=500):
    Creates two networks, one with and one without batch normalization, then trains them
    with identical starting weights, layers, batches, etc. Finally tests and plots their accuracies.
    :param use_bad_weights: bool
        If True, initialize the weights of both networks to wildly inappropriate weights;
        if False, use reasonable starting weights.
    :param learning_rate: float
        Learning rate used during gradient descent.
    :param activation_fn: Callable
        The function used for the output of each hidden layer. The network will use the same
        activation function on every hidden layer and no activate function on the output layer.
        e.g. Pass tf.nn.relu to use ReLU activations on your hidden layers.
    :param training_batches: (default 50000)
        Number of batches to train.
    :param batches_per_sample: (default 500)
        How many batches to train before sampling the validation accuracy.
    # Use identical starting weights for each network to eliminate differences in
    # weight initialization as a cause for differences seen in training performance
    # Note: The networks will use these weights to define the number of and shapes of
    #       its layers. The original batch normalization paper used 3 hidden layers
    #       with 100 nodes in each, followed by a 10 node output layer. These values
    #       build such a network, but feel free to experiment with different choices.
    #       However, the input size should always be 784 and the final output should be 10.
    if use_bad_weights:
        # These weights should be horrible because they have such a large standard deviation
        weights = [np.random.normal(size=(784,100), scale=5.0).astype(np.float32),
                   np.random.normal(size=(100,100), scale=5.0).astype(np.float32),
                   np.random.normal(size=(100,100), scale=5.0).astype(np.float32),
                   np.random.normal(size=(100,10), scale=5.0).astype(np.float32)
        # These weights should be good because they have such a small standard deviation
        weights = [np.random.normal(size=(784,100), scale=0.05).astype(np.float32),
                   np.random.normal(size=(100,100), scale=0.05).astype(np.float32),
                   np.random.normal(size=(100,100), scale=0.05).astype(np.float32),
                   np.random.normal(size=(100,10), scale=0.05).astype(np.float32)

    # Just to make sure the TensorFlow's default graph is empty before we start another
    # test, because we don't bother using different graphs or scoping and naming 
    # elements carefully in this sample code.

    # build two versions of same network, 1 without and 1 with batch normalization
    nn = NeuralNet(weights, activation_fn, False)
    bn = NeuralNet(weights, activation_fn, True)
    # train and test the two models
    with tf.Session() as sess:

        nn.train(sess, learning_rate, training_batches, batches_per_sample)
        bn.train(sess, learning_rate, training_batches, batches_per_sample)
    # Display a graph of how validation accuracies changed during training
    # so we can compare how the models trained and when they converged
    plot_training_accuracies(nn, bn, batches_per_sample=batches_per_sample)



train_and_test(False, 0.01, tf.nn.relu)
100%|███████████████████████████████████| 50000/50000 [02:49<00:00, 295.09it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9728000164031982

100%|███████████████████████████████████| 50000/50000 [05:10<00:00, 160.97it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9818000197410583
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9704999923706055
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9775999784469604





train_and_test(False, 0.01, tf.nn.relu, 2000, 50)
100%|█████████████████████████████████████| 2000/2000 [00:08<00:00, 230.00it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.8352000117301941

100%|█████████████████████████████████████| 2000/2000 [00:16<00:00, 123.99it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.953000009059906
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.8278999924659729
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9516000151634216




train_and_test(False, 0.01, tf.nn.sigmoid)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:43<00:00, 1153.97it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.8343997597694397

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:35<00:00, 526.30it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9755997061729431
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.8271000385284424
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9732001423835754




train_and_test(False, 1, tf.nn.relu)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:35<00:00, 1397.55it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.0957999974489212

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:39<00:00, 501.48it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.984399676322937
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.09799998998641968
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9834001660346985



train_and_test(False, 1, tf.nn.relu)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:36<00:00, 1379.92it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.09859999269247055

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:42<00:00, 488.08it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9839996695518494
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.10099999606609344
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9822001457214355




train_and_test(False, 1, tf.nn.sigmoid)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:36<00:00, 1382.38it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9783996343612671

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:35<00:00, 526.13it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9837996959686279
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9752001166343689
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.981200098991394



train_and_test(False, 1, tf.nn.sigmoid, 2000, 50)
100%|██████████| 2000/2000 [00:01<00:00, 1167.28it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.920799732208252

100%|██████████| 2000/2000 [00:04<00:00, 490.92it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.951799750328064
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9227001070976257
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9463001489639282




train_and_test(False, 2, tf.nn.relu)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:35<00:00, 1412.09it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.09859999269247055

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:36<00:00, 518.06it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9827996492385864
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.10099999606609344
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9827001094818115




train_and_test(False, 2, tf.nn.sigmoid)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:35<00:00, 1395.37it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9795997142791748

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:38<00:00, 506.05it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9803997278213501
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9782001376152039
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9782000780105591




train_and_test(False, 2, tf.nn.sigmoid, 2000, 50)
100%|██████████| 2000/2000 [00:01<00:00, 1170.27it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9383997917175293

100%|██████████| 2000/2000 [00:04<00:00, 495.04it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9573997259140015
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9360001087188721
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9524001479148865




train_and_test(True, 0.01, tf.nn.relu)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:43<00:00, 1147.21it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.0957999974489212

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:37<00:00, 515.05it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.7945998311042786
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.09799998998641968
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.7990000247955322




train_and_test(True, 0.01, tf.nn.sigmoid)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:45<00:00, 1108.50it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.22019998729228973

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:34<00:00, 531.21it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.8591998219490051
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.22699999809265137
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.8527000546455383




train_and_test(True, 1, tf.nn.relu)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:38<00:00, 1313.14it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.11259999126195908

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:36<00:00, 520.39it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9243997931480408
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.11349999904632568
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9208000302314758




train_and_test(True, 1, tf.nn.sigmoid)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:35<00:00, 1409.45it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.896999716758728

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:33<00:00, 534.39it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9569997787475586
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.8957001566886902
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9505001306533813




train_and_test(True, 2, tf.nn.relu)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:35<00:00, 1392.83it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.0957999974489212

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:33<00:00, 536.51it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9127997159957886
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.09800000488758087
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9054000973701477




train_and_test(True, 2, tf.nn.sigmoid)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:35<00:00, 1401.19it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9093997478485107

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:33<00:00, 532.22it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9613996744155884
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9066000580787659
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9583001136779785




批量归一化并不是魔术,也不是每次都能奏效。权重仍然是随机初始化的,并且在训练期间随机选择批次,因此您永远不知道训练将如何进行。即使在这些测试中,我们对两个网络使用相同的初始权重,每次运行时我们仍然得到不同的权重。 本节包括两个示例,显示批量归一化完全没有起作用。


train_and_test(True, 1, tf.nn.relu)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:36<00:00, 1386.17it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.11259999126195908

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:35<00:00, 523.58it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.09879998862743378
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.11350000649690628
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.10099999606609344




train_and_test(True, 2, tf.nn.relu)
100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [00:35<00:00, 1398.39it/s]

Without Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.0957999974489212

100%|██████████| 50000/50000 [01:34<00:00, 529.50it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.09859999269247055
Without Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.09799998998641968
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.10100000351667404


当我们用这些参数和批量归一化训练较早时earlier,我们达到了90 %的验证精度。然而,这一次网络开始就取得了一些进展,但它很快就崩溃了,停止了学习。 注意: 上述两个示例都使用极其糟糕的起始权重,以及过高的学习率。虽然我们已经展示了批量归一化可以克服坏值,但我们并不打算鼓励实际使用它们。示例旨在说明批量归一化可以帮助您的网络更好地进行培训。但是后两个示例应该提醒您,您仍然希望尝试使用良好的网络设计选择和合理的起始权重。它还应该提醒您,每次尝试训练网络的结果都有点随机,即使使用其他相同的体系结构也是如此。

批量归一化: 细节实现

函数tf.layers.batch_normalization 内部已经实现了批量归一化的细节。接下来我们看看具体的实现吧。

为了对所有值进行归一化,我们需要求的batch的平均值;如果你之前看过代码,应该知道,并不只是对输入求平均,而是对每一层传入非线性激活函数之前都求平均。当然求平均值很简单。 avg

然后来求方差: variance

有了均值和方差,我们就可以对输入值进行归一化了: normal 分母中我们添加了一项epsilon,是为了防止分母为0,我们时实际取的值是0.001。

最后,我们还需要对归一化的值进行线性变换,使用gammabeta(它们在学习过程中会被训练)进行缩放和平移: normal 这样我们就得到了最终的批量归一化的值,然后再把值传送到激活函数,比如sigmoid, tanh, ReLU, Leaky ReLU等等。 在用代码实现时,我们只需一行即可:

batch_normalized_output = tf.layers.batch_normalization(linear_output, training=self.is_training)

不使用 tf.layers 包实现批量归一化

NeuralNet 类中,我们使用的是高级封装的函数tf.layers.batch_normalization, 接下来,我使用封装的没有那么好的函数tf.nn.batch_normalization来实现批量归一化。

1)你可以使用接下来的 fully_connected 函数代替之前的函数。

def fully_connected(self, layer_in, initial_weights, activation_fn=None):
    Creates a standard, fully connected layer. Its number of inputs and outputs will be
    defined by the shape of `initial_weights`, and its starting weight values will be
    taken directly from that same parameter. If `self.use_batch_norm` is True, this
    layer will include batch normalization, otherwise it will not. 
    :param layer_in: Tensor
        The Tensor that feeds into this layer. It's either the input to the network or the output
        of a previous layer.
    :param initial_weights: NumPy array or Tensor
        Initial values for this layer's weights. The shape defines the number of nodes in the layer.
        e.g. Passing in 3 matrix of shape (784, 256) would create a layer with 784 inputs and 256 
    :param activation_fn: Callable or None (default None)
        The non-linearity used for the output of the layer. If None, this layer will not include 
        batch normalization, regardless of the value of `self.use_batch_norm`. 
        e.g. Pass tf.nn.relu to use ReLU activations on your hidden layers.
    if self.use_batch_norm and activation_fn:
        # Batch normalization uses weights as usual, but does NOT add a bias term. This is because 
        # its calculations include gamma and beta variables that make the bias term unnecessary.
        weights = tf.Variable(initial_weights)
        linear_output = tf.matmul(layer_in, weights)

        num_out_nodes = initial_weights.shape[-1]

        # Batch normalization adds additional trainable variables: 
        # gamma (for scaling) and beta (for shifting).
        gamma = tf.Variable(tf.ones([num_out_nodes]))
        beta = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([num_out_nodes]))

        # These variables will store the mean and variance for this layer over the entire training set,
        # which we assume represents the general population distribution.
        # By setting `trainable=False`, we tell TensorFlow not to modify these variables during
        # back propagation. Instead, we will assign values to these variables ourselves. 
        pop_mean = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([num_out_nodes]), trainable=False)
        pop_variance = tf.Variable(tf.ones([num_out_nodes]), trainable=False)

        # Batch normalization requires a small constant epsilon, used to ensure we don't divide by zero.
        # This is the default value TensorFlow uses.
        epsilon = 1e-3

        def batch_norm_training():
            # Calculate the mean and variance for the data coming out of this layer's linear-combination step.
            # The [0] defines an array of axes to calculate over.
            batch_mean, batch_variance = tf.nn.moments(linear_output, [0])

            # Calculate a moving average of the training data's mean and variance while training.
            # These will be used during inference.
            # Decay should be some number less than 1. tf.layers.batch_normalization uses the parameter
            # "momentum" to accomplish this and defaults it to 0.99
            decay = 0.99
            train_mean = tf.assign(pop_mean, pop_mean * decay + batch_mean * (1 - decay))
            train_variance = tf.assign(pop_variance, pop_variance * decay + batch_variance * (1 - decay))

            # The 'tf.control_dependencies' context tells TensorFlow it must calculate 'train_mean' 
            # and 'train_variance' before it calculates the 'tf.nn.batch_normalization' layer.
            # This is necessary because the those two operations are not actually in the graph
            # connecting the linear_output and batch_normalization layers, 
            # so TensorFlow would otherwise just skip them.
            with tf.control_dependencies([train_mean, train_variance]):
                return tf.nn.batch_normalization(linear_output, batch_mean, batch_variance, beta, gamma, epsilon)
        def batch_norm_inference():
            # During inference, use the our estimated population mean and variance to normalize the layer
            return tf.nn.batch_normalization(linear_output, pop_mean, pop_variance, beta, gamma, epsilon)

        # Use `tf.cond` as a sort of if-check. When self.is_training is True, TensorFlow will execute 
        # the operation returned from `batch_norm_training`; otherwise it will execute the graph
        # operation returned from `batch_norm_inference`.
        batch_normalized_output = tf.cond(self.is_training, batch_norm_training, batch_norm_inference)
        # Pass the batch-normalized layer output through the activation function.
        # The literature states there may be cases where you want to perform the batch normalization *after*
        # the activation function, but it is difficult to find any uses of that in practice.
        return activation_fn(batch_normalized_output)
        # When not using batch normalization, create a standard layer that multiplies
        # the inputs and weights, adds a bias, and optionally passes the result 
        # through an activation function.  
        weights = tf.Variable(initial_weights)
        biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([initial_weights.shape[-1]]))
        linear_output = tf.add(tf.matmul(layer_in, weights), biases)
        return linear_output if not activation_fn else activation_fn(linear_output)

现在的 fully_connected 函数比之前的要多许多代码,有一些重要的地方需要提醒一下:

  1. 展示出来我们创建各个参数的过程: gamma, beta, mean and variance。
  2. gamma, beta在开始时分别设置的是1和0,所以并没有进行线性变换,但是在训练过程中,使用反向传播会慢慢训练这些值,找到最合适的值。
  3. population mean and variance 并不会被训练,而是通过 tf.assign 直接更新值。
  4. TensorFlow在训练期间不会自动更新tf.assign指定的值,因为它仅基于在图中找到的连接来评估所需的操作。为了得到tf.assign指定的值,在批量归一化之前,我们需要通过 with tf.control_dependencies([train_mean, train_variance]):操作。 这告诉TensorFlow,在运行with块中(with这一行以下的代码,或者说:之后的代码)的任何内容之前,它需要运行这些操作(with同一行的代码,或者说with与:之间的代码)。
  5. 批量归一化的计算操作是通过tf.nn.batch_normalization来完成的.
  6. 我们使用函数tf.cond 来判断是训练还是推断,如果第一个是True,则执行第二个函数,否则执行第三个函数。
  7. 我们使用函数tf.nn.moments 来计算batch的均值与偏差。

2) 如果你想实现更多细节,你可以替换 batch_norm_training:

return tf.nn.batch_normalization(linear_output, batch_mean, batch_variance, beta, gamma, epsilon)


normalized_linear_output = (linear_output - batch_mean) / tf.sqrt(batch_variance + epsilon)
return gamma * normalized_linear_output + beta

同时你也可以替换 batch_norm_inference:

return tf.nn.batch_normalization(linear_output, pop_mean, pop_variance, beta, gamma, epsilon)


normalized_linear_output = (linear_output - pop_mean) / tf.sqrt(pop_variance + epsilon)
return gamma * normalized_linear_output + beta



batch_normalized_output = tf.layers.batch_normalization(linear_output, training=self.is_training)



def batch_norm_test(test_training_accuracy):
    :param test_training_accuracy: bool
        If True, perform inference with batch normalization using batch mean and variance;
        if False, perform inference with batch normalization using estimated population mean and variance.

    weights = [np.random.normal(size=(784,100), scale=0.05).astype(np.float32),
               np.random.normal(size=(100,100), scale=0.05).astype(np.float32),
               np.random.normal(size=(100,100), scale=0.05).astype(np.float32),
               np.random.normal(size=(100,10), scale=0.05).astype(np.float32)


    # Train the model
    bn = NeuralNet(weights, tf.nn.relu, True)
    # First train the network
    with tf.Session() as sess:

        bn.train(sess, 0.01, 2000, 2000)

        bn.test(sess, test_training_accuracy=test_training_accuracy, include_individual_predictions=True)
100%|██████████| 2000/2000 [00:03<00:00, 514.57it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9527996778488159
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.9503000974655151
200 Predictions: [8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8]
Accuracy on 200 samples: 0.05



100%|██████████| 2000/2000 [00:03<00:00, 511.58it/s]

With Batch Norm: After training, final accuracy on validation set = 0.9577997326850891
With Batch Norm: Accuracy on full test set = 0.953700065612793
200 Predictions: [7, 2, 1, 0, 4, 1, 4, 9, 6, 9, 0, 8, 9, 0, 1, 5, 9, 7, 3, 4, 9, 6, 6, 5, 4, 0, 7, 4, 0, 1, 3, 1, 3, 6, 7, 2, 7, 1, 2, 1, 1, 7, 4, 2, 3, 5, 1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 3, 5, 5, 6, 0, 4, 1, 9, 5, 7, 8, 9, 3, 7, 4, 6, 4, 3, 0, 7, 0, 2, 9, 1, 7, 3, 2, 9, 7, 7, 6, 2, 7, 8, 4, 7, 3, 6, 1, 3, 6, 4, 3, 1, 4, 1, 7, 6, 9, 6, 0, 5, 4, 9, 9, 2, 1, 9, 4, 8, 7, 3, 9, 7, 4, 4, 4, 9, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 7, 9, 0, 5, 8, 5, 6, 6, 5, 7, 8, 1, 0, 1, 6, 4, 6, 7, 3, 1, 7, 1, 8, 2, 0, 4, 9, 8, 5, 5, 1, 5, 6, 0, 3, 4, 4, 6, 5, 4, 6, 5, 4, 5, 1, 4, 4, 7, 2, 3, 2, 7, 1, 8, 1, 8, 1, 8, 5, 0, 8, 9, 2, 5, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 9, 0, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2]
Accuracy on 200 samples: 0.97





卷积层是由多个feature maps构成,每个feature map共享权重,由于这些差异,批量归一化卷积层需要每个特征映射而不是层中的每个节点的批量/总体均值和方差。

通常,我们可以通过下面的代码来计算batch mean and variance:

batch_mean, batch_variance = tf.nn.moments(linear_output, [0])


batch_mean, batch_variance = tf.nn.moments(conv_layer, [0,1,2], keep_dims=False)

第二个参数, [0,1,2], 告诉 TensorFlow在一个batch上面 计算每个feature map的均值与偏差。(三个轴分别是: batch, height, and width.) 设置keep_dimsFalse 是为了让tf.nn.moments 不要返回与输入相同的维度,确保我们得到的是每个feature map的均值与偏差。


批量归一化也可以用作循环神经网络中,你可以参考这篇论文Recurrent Batch Normalization. 它是在每个时间步长计算均值与偏差,而不是每一层。你也可以在这上面找到例子this GitHub repo.